Rabu, 17 Desember 2014
been two years!!!! oh my God!:")
maaf telah menelantarkanmu,Nak
*Sambil bersihin sarang laba-laba*

Ok, sudah berniat buat nulis lagi.
Wait for  it!!
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

You See Day When I See Night

I see the moon and I wonder if she's watching you
She may seem half to you but she's hiding in the light
She needs the darkness to shine, like you sometimes
Hiding in delight
Hours go by in conversation

With the words between us 
Your distant words travel through my morning

When you say before you go to sleep,
"This is the best end of the week"

We are framed by the same sky
But the moon is shy in your direction
She wik shine for you when I'm dazzled by daylight
You see day when I see night
I see day when you see night

-by Emilie Franc-

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012




Sabtu, 29 September 2012

As I write this today, the words are hard to flow.

It is not my nature to be expressive. 

But no matter what, I want you to know that you are loved and cherished. 

And I want you to know that I do care. 

My words will never be able to describe exactly how I feel.

So, let me end this letter with 3 simple words, straight from my heart:

I love you
Minggu, 02 September 2012

Hari ini..

dia berangkat ke jakarta.. :)
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Well.. this is sad, indeed.

I was sitting next to you, but it happened that I was unseen.

Watching your back walking away, that's the same with I dig a deep hole in my own heart.

This feeling is unstoppable.

I have tried to forget this crazy thing, but in the end is just a same mistake that I can't stop.

So, whether you can hear it or not, I just want to say thank you for letting me feel this unspoken feeling.

Just like what you've already told me " It takes no time to fall in love, But it takes twou years to know what love is "

Is this love?

I'm not really sure.

The thing that I know the most is, this is indescribable feeling.

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Happy Ied Mubarak 1433 H

Minal aidzin wal faidzin guys...
kosong-kosong lagi lo yaaaa :)
lebaran-lebaraaaaaan, yaah, emang sih postingan ini ini udah telat banget, haha
secara udah seminggu kemaren lebarannya. :)

hmmm. lebaran kali ini lumayan banget.
lumayan sedih tapi juga lumayan seneng..
lumayan sedih kenapa???? soalnya kemaren mudik ke rumah eyang di banyuwangi cuma sehari doang dan telat pula mudiknyaaaaaa!!! jadi disana sendirian aja, sodara-sodara udah pada pulang TT..TT
tapi juga lumayan seneng kenapa??? soalnya juga seperti tradisi lebaran dari dulu, semua keluarga ngumpul di rumah aku!!!! jadi rumah serasa pasar tiap hari! rame banget!!!!!!!!!!! >< dan yang paling bikin seneng juga yang pasti adalah "Salam Tempel ala Lebaran" huehehehe
meskipun aku ini udah lumayan gede, tapi teteeeeeeep.. tahun ini kalo kata teteh syahrini "alhamdulillah angpaonya sesuatuk :)"
tapi masih bingung nih, pengen dibuat apa itu angpaonya, antara pengen di tabung sama beli hape. secara nih ya hape BB (re: Buluk Banget) aku udah setia nemenin selama hampir 5 tahun ini. hmmmmh..

selain tradisi ngumpul bareng keluarga, yang istimewa dan ditunggu-tunggu itu aneka makanannya sama petasan.
lebaran kali ini sih si ibu menu utamanya kari sama rawon  :9
*beeeh. top markotp, leker kos (kata si embah, entah itu bahasa planet mana), ajiiiiiiiib ><*

selain itu, sekarang ini aku juga lagi sukaaaa banget bikin papercraft. jadi pas lebaran kemaren, bareng tuh deh sama adek+ponakan+sepupu bikin rame-rame :)
masih jelek bin gak rapi banget sih, tapi yaaa lumayan lah.

so,,,, this is it.. HAPPY IED MUBARAK!! :D

aku,mas fian,sshifa,agit


digendong asooy!! :D

si sshifa sama mas fian kaya tisu sama kloset -oo-"

serangan gigi ompong!!!!! ciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

mmuaaaaaaaaach!!! (sshifa+salza)


cubecraft :)


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